Australian chain closing 100 Outhouse Stakehouses across Canada

Estimated read time 2 min read

The popular Australian steak burning chain of Outhouse Stakehouses has announced the closing of over 100 outlets across Canada, beginning in late March. Known for its famous moniker “hump and dump”, the chain says its dining concept of tiny restaurants built to look like outhouses “doesn’t seem to fit as well as we thought it would in Canada, after expanding to the country 2 years ago. It’s still a hit down under though, especially in the interior bush territories. Dunno, maybe it’s the trained kangaroo gooey pouch delivery service that make us such a hit back home????”

The company expects to take a $12 million writedown in it’s 2nd quarter financials as a result of the closure. CEO Mark Suckinburger says that “we might be able to sell some of the existing structures to the revived Sears, but I’m really not holding my breath. It would be neat actually if that happened, sorta full circle, if you know what I mean.”

Bargain hunters will be happy to hear that the chain will be slashing its menu prices by over half in the outlet’s last week of operation. “Plus tossed salad will be free”, said Suckinburger. “It’s a terrific deal, although seats, of course, will be limited.”

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