Category: Top Stories
Australian chain closing 100 Outhouse Stakehouses across Canada
The popular Australian steak burning chain of Outhouse Stakehouses has announced the closing of over 100 outlets across Canada, beginning in late March. Known for [more…]
Loblaws to tackle high pork prices using suicidal pigs
Grocery giant Loblaws, stung by recent Tiktok viral videos attacking the chain’s high pork prices, has announced a “groundbreaking initiative” to bring those costs “way [more…]
OfFred captivated by new Hulu series – “South of the Border”
Fictional character OfFred of the Handmaid’s Tale series has reportedly been chastised by her current owners, after being accused of spending too much time in [more…]
Vancouver to import Newfie lots to tackle affordability crisis
City councilors in Vancouver have voted in a new resolution to tackle the ultra high land costs in the BC mecca, approving $30 million to [more…]